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WASWAC and IUSS Position Paper Supporters
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Dear WASWAC members,

The position paper accomplished by both WASWAC and IUSS on the inter linkages of soil and climate change has finished the calling for supporters in the soil science community all around the world. By the end of October 31, 2021, there are totally 62 organizations and 833 people actively co-signed this position paper to express their supporting attitude towards the global challenge of protecting the soil and the climate together. The 62 organizations include 4 at international level, 5 from Arica, 17 from Asia, 14 from Europe, 20 from South America, 1 from North America and 1 from Oceania. The 833 individuals are from 60 countries and regions. Details please find in attached documents.

The document and signatures of all participating organizations and people have been sent to the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference held in Glasgow, calling more widely support to protect our soil resources and thus enhance the resilience to climate change. Soils in good health are an essential part of our life support system, along with the health and quality of our biodiversity, and the interface to the atmosphere and groundwater. Soil is an engine of the economy, but also a source of many ecosystem services, including mitigation of climate change.

As international organizations in soil science, WASWAC and IUSS helped strengthen the international connection when facing the global challenge of protecting both the soil and climate. They are capable of compiling scientific information and disseminating this information to policymakers and also the public, contributing to the formation of shared knowledge on climate change and becoming an indispensable actor in global climate management. 

Thank you all for your contribution to our association, and hope to have you involved in future development of WASWAC.

All the best,

Duihu NING

The president of WASWAC

WASWAC-IUSS POSITION PAPER - with organization supporters.pdf

Individual supporters.pdf



World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC). All Rights Reserved.
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