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Protecting the Soil is Protecting the Climate - WASWAC and IUSS Position Paper on the Inter Linkages of Soil and Climate Change
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With the development of global warming, climate change attracted more and more attentions around the world. The close relationship between climate and soil have been proven by numerous studies. Climate influences not only soil formation but also soil properties. In turn, climate is also influenced by soil through greenhouse gases emission and soil based ecosystems. Reasonable exploration and utilization soil with careful protection could undoubtedly fight climate change and hence avoiding unforeseeable consequences. In this context, this position paper on the inter linages of soil and climate change has been accomplished by WASWAC and IUSS. We do hope that all scientific societies could be dispensable involved in this global challenge by taking effective actions.

Click here WASWAC-IUSS POSITION PAPER.pdfto download the position paper.

The IUSS and WASWAC kindly invites you to co-sign our Position Paper no later than October 31, 2021. Please provide us with your information (including First name, Surname, Organization title, Country and Email address) by sending email to waswac@foxmail.com 

Soil Science Societies and Institutions are invited to support this Position Paper. If your institution is willing to join with its logo, please send it to the WASWAC Secretariat at waswac@foxmail.com 


World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC). All Rights Reserved.
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