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36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
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You are invited to the 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), which will take place on May 11-15, 2015 inBerlin, Germany.

This 36th Symposium will represent a major event in the long series of internationally recognized ISRSE meetings. The overall theme of the symposium is the use of Earth Observation systems and related Remote Sensing techniques for understanding and managing the Earth environment and resources.

ISRSE-36 calls for papers on the use of Earth Observation systems and related Remote Sensing techniques for understanding and managing the Earth environment and resources. The Symposium will also cover applications dedicated to enhancing human security such as global disaster risk reduction initiatives. Papers should take stock of progress made in the development of new applications, instruments, systems and analytical techniques in the full range of relevant themes. The 36th ISRSE Programme Committee will consider and evaluate all abstracts received for possible inclusion in oral or poster sessions. Abstracts (max. 300 words) submitted should focus on one of the following themes (with subtopics given as examples for clarification): Agriculture and Food Security; Forests, Biodiversity and Terrestrial Ecosystems; Atmosphere, Weather and Climate; Natural Disasters Monitoring, Warning and Response; Energy and Geology; Water Cycle; Marine and Coastal Environment, Resources and Dynamics; Polar and Cold Regions; Socioeconomic Issues including Health, Urbanization and Human Heritage; Data and Information Systems and Spatial Data Infrastructures; Airborne and Innovative Remote Sensing Platforms and Techniques; National, Regional and International Programs including Education and Outreach.



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