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ISWCR Call for Papers Submission
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ISWCR Call for Papers Submission

As the journal of World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC), International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR) is an internationally quarterly journal published by International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES). The mission of ISWCR is to track the frontier of soil and water conservation in the world and promote the discipline development and prosperity. The papers published will cover scientific theory innovation, technology development and latest research achievements on soil and water conservation, such as soil erosion and control, ecological environmental protection, land degradation, land resources management,dynamic monitoring and evaluation, decision-making, and related hot and difficult issues.

All manuscripts will be reviewed by members of the Review Board, consisting of internationally renowned experts in their specific field. Only original manuscripts will be accepted and copyright for published papers will be vested in the publisher.

Manuscript submission

All manuscripts will be submitted with email to: iswcr@foxmail.com. Submission of a manuscript implies: 1) the work presented has not been published before; 2) it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; 3) its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out.


One PDF file and one WORD file of the manuscript should be submitted. Technical paper should not exceed 10,000 word equivalent and technical note 5,000 word equivalent (figures inclusive). Technical terms and mathematical symbols used should be defined where they first appear in formulas, figures, tables or text. The title should be brief. The authors' names should be typed on the line below the title; the present affiliation(s) should be typed in the footnote.


The body of manuscript should be preceded by an abstract with the maximum length of 300 words for a full-length manuscript. It should be intelligible in itself without depending on references cited. Three to five keywords should be listed after the abstract.

Figures and tables

Electronic copy of figures should be provided, accepted in JPG or TIFF formats with 600dpi resolution, or in XLS data files. Photographs should be enlarged sufficiently to permit their clear reproduction in half tone after size reduction. All illustrations should be about twice the size of final reproduction, and the final size of lettering should not be smaller than 1.5 mm. Figure captions should be listed on a separate sheet and placed at the end of the manuscript. The cost of printing color images in the Journal will be charged to the author.
Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and titled. All table columns should have a heading. Figures and tables must be explained in the text.

System International (SI) units should be used throughout the paper.


All references should be arranged in alphabetical order of the author's names and grouped together at the end of the paper. Examples of three types of references - journal papers, books and conference proceedings - are given below:

Clifford N. J., Richards K. S., Brown R. A., and Lane S. N. 1995, Laboratory and field assessment of an infrared turbidity probe and its response to particle size and variation in suspended sediment concentration. Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 771-791.

Wan Z. H. and Wang Z. Y. 1994, Hyperconcentrated Flow, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Milintangual P. 1990, Increase in reservoir sediment caused by deforestation and its effect on dam life. Proceedings of the Workshop on Field Measurement of Sediment in Rivers and Reservoirs, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 17-33.


The author must sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement, transferring copyright of the article from the author to the owner of the Journal before the paper can be published.

Submit your paper whenever you wish. Just an email, the submission process takes less than two minutes and processing will commence on the same day.



World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC). All Rights Reserved.
Address: The Secretariat of the WASWAC, Room 402, IRTCES Building, No.20 Chegongzhuang Road West, Beijing, 100048, China
Tel: +86 10 68786579 Fax:+86 10 68411174 Email: waswac@foxmail.com waswac@vip.163.com
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